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Thread: Trade-20k Whommpa Borked

  1. #1

    Trade-20k Whommpa Borked

    About half the time I try to use this whommpa I crash, and it's not just me as most of my Guild mates have the same problem. It also takes 20mins-2hours before I can log back in. This is NOT because 20k has crashed...You can still get there through Harry's. This has been happening since the 13.8 patch and needs to be fixed ASAP.

  2. #2
    I'm still waiting for an official reply.

  3. #3

  4. #4

  5. #5
    It's the same as in Broken Shores, too many players.

    The only thing they could do is add more save terminals and move them further apart from the whompa so the players scatter a bit. That's what they will do in BS next patch.
    RK1 Guild Apocalypse

    Dillon "Duradas" Belote, Fixer
    Kiyoko "Selarana" Vallone, Meta Physicist
    Donald "Jorman" Dublin, Bureaucrat
    Burl "Gnorrg" Marinos, Enforcer
    Florence "Florania" Aronstein, Doctor
    RK3, Arnold "Gideon" Reineman, Enforcer

  6. #6

  7. #7

    Unhappy sorry

    wont get a answer i fear. This happens all the time the whompa is horrible due to all the players you discon... about 33% of the time you run thru it. Just have to wait to relog when you can.

    PS. dont have a bot ready if you plan on keeping him summon him on the otherside if you make it thru the whompa.
    Biffatnugly 200 Enforcer
    ->Stats 150 Engineer
    Jadeivy 98 Doctor
    Jamms 40 Keeper
    Zipsky 20 Martial-Artist

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