Last night I lost a krysknife. Not as bad as a plane, sure, but I'm more worried about the fact that items CAN be lost. Here's what happened:

Had krysknife in my pack. Some nice person wanted to buy one, I asked why, she said "Cause it looks cool." So I think "Hmm, what does it look like?" Try to equip it from pack, doesn't work, put it in main inventory, right click to equip it. Check myself out in 3rd person. Chat for a bit. Right-click to equip my pistol again in preparation for selling the krysknife. Crash. Log back in. I'm in my plane (which I had gotten out of LONG before) which I think is weird. My pistol is equipped. The krysknife is nowhere in my inventory or any of my packs. I don't know the exact time of this it was around 11pm-midnight Pacific time.

I petition, 72 people in front of me. Go run the biggest mission I've ever seen, takes me till after 51 people in front of me. Then comes the announcement "All servers going down in 35 minutes please logout." Nice way to make me stay up forever waiting for a petition without answering it....

I'm not too upset about the krysknife. I'm worried, though, that this can happen and people don't get their stuff back. A good friend of mine lost his PLANE a few days back.

LOG this stuff, for NODROP if nothing else. PUBLICIZE how logging is done so everyone knows what is and isn't possible. Publicize your reimbursement policy so that GMs know what they're supposed to do and so do players. People get incredibly angry when they lose something they've worked so hard to get, and "Sorry that happens" is not OK. It happens, sure, you need a plan to handle it when it does.