((OOC: This is my first foray into the RP scene on RK so bear with me a little
As it may become clear in this excerpt from my story, I am endeavouring to create a sinister if not evil character one with few morals and even less of a conscience but one who is also devoted to and truely believes in his work, no matter how it may look to others.
Not sure if it will work out the way I envisage yet but hopefully I can cause a bit of discomfort somewhere along the way hehe.))

The window strained as yet another gust of wind struck it full force. The weather controllers had failed in this sector 4 times in the past week alone, this was the worst storm to hit so far.
There had been multiple power failures in several buildings already today, the labs had been sealed off for several hours while the technicians worked to restore the backup generators. No one could explain why both main and backup power had failed, talk of insider sabotage on the rumor mill abounded.
He believed none of it though, it was virtually impossible for the facility to be compromised in such a manner.

Another squall hit the face of the building, sending shudders through all 345 floors, his view through the ceiling height window was briefly obscured by the storms violent outburst.
Such power, the vast amounts of energy pent up over the years by the controllers was now being unleashed in one great orgy of wind, lightening and rain. A truly impressive sight as long as one wasn’t outside in it.
All these years men have toiled to control their world yet control is only temporary, sooner or later the control fails and the underlying chaos is released once more.
Trying to stop or contain the chaos only makes it more violent when it does erupt. Much the same way as humans really, suppress them long enough and the uprising that inevitably occurs is all the more violent for it. Funny how humans are but a pawn in the grand scheme. We seek control and order yet the path we choose for this only ever ends in chaos.

A soft chime from the back of the room snapped him out of his musings. It was something he had been doing a lot more these days. The Project was being moved and he was going with it. Again, more chaos as the upheaval of staff and materials swept through the facility.
Where order once reigned supreme nothing but chaos remained.
He caught himself before going any further this time, turning around to attend to the chime.

“What is it?” his voice was a quiet echo around the silent room.

“Sorry to bother you Dr. Slade but your presence is requested by the Director Sir”

He turned to look the officer in the eye;

“Very well, you can tell him that I will see him at my convenience”

“Sir?” it was both a question and a demand.

This time he raised his voice just slightly, enough to force home the point

“Did you not hear me? I will see the Director when I am available”

“Ah, yes I heard you Sir but…” he was floundering now.

“Then get to it Captain, I’m sure you have other things to attend to”

“Very well Sir”

The officer gave a begrudging salute and almost fled his office, no doubt to rat him out to the Director.
He could wait, the Director was not important. Now that the Project was being moved he no longer had authority over its staff, certainly not its Department Head.

Ever since the leak it had gone from bad to worse, first 2 staff members disappeared, then equipment had been destroyed. Not quite direct sabotage to the Project but it was enough to rattle the nerves of those in the ‘Golden Room’, and so word had been passed around that a new base was to be established.
A more remote, perhaps not entirely secure, but certainly a more remote location; one with abundant test material.
He had been promised increased funding and unlimited access to all past research files and field trial reports. There were plenty to be studied as well; there was already a limited laboratory setup but so far the results had been less than satisfactory, certainly nothing like the progress his team had been making here.

The windows shook again, almost trying to break free of the building.

And so it begins again. Chaos overwhelms the petty order we humans pitch about here and there.
All that will change though, only a few more years of work and it will all change.

A grim smile crossed his face, a rare occurrence for a man like him. And there were few of them left nowadays.
Science and progress was far more important than morals and ethics, both of which are relative and passing anyway. That’s why progress had slowed these last few years, too many of the minds in the ‘Golden Room’ had developed ethics. It was holding them back, this research would never reach the light of day but the ‘Golden Men’ had to sleep at night.

It was always the weak minds that prevented humanity from achieving excellence.

Weak minds. The Director was a weak mind, he had proven this on many occasions. Perhaps this was a good time to relocate the Project after all.

The Director would be sufficiently irritated by now, the perfect time to see what the fool wanted. He was so much more amusing when irritated; it almost made the trip to his office worthwhile.
He turned from the window and picked up the data flek on his desk. Pausing briefly to glance back at the dark sky outside, he moved to the door and started down the corridor to the elevator.