Chapter one. "Omega 1"

Kalshion walked along the Omni-tek streets with his gun hostered and his assault rifle on his back he was told by his commanding officer that there was trouble in the Trade District at one of the Shops so he sent Kal to check it out.
Kal got the shop and noticed the Door was forcely removed. "Da*n what happened here" he sead as he scaned the area behind him making sure no one was trying to sneak up on him.He took small and slow steps into the shops when he got inside he crept toward a dark portion of the room it was real dark.He scaned the room... Shops torn apart,Battery's all over the place. But what he spoted next scared him.He looked toward one of the shops and saw a young girl laying on the ground with blood on her face."Damn Clanners" he sead in a hint of rage he took out a communicater "This is LT. Kalshion to General Hoscoklic" he waited to a reply while waiting he heard something in the other room.He ment to check it out but the General came on the line "This is he whats wrong Kal. this better be good" Kal cleared his trout "Sir.... It seems Clanners where responsible for this attack I have a young girl here,she is still alive,but unresponsive I need a Med Units here asap" Kal heard the same noise again he unhostered his weapon and stood up "Well then Kal you'll get............." His com was cut off he put the Communicator away and set his weapon to full power he attemped to get close but a bolt of plasma went straght through the door agaist hitting Kal."Whos There!!?" He sead frighteneed "Speck Up!!!!!" He raised his weapon but another Bolt came at him and burned his arm away alogn with his weapon he fell to the ground clencing his arm in pain.Two guys entered the room and hit Kal over the head with a Steel Rod.

OOCk my spelling stinks and my Punction isn't very good but trust me when I get into making storys I make em long very very very long.

The next part will be posted tomerrow please post yer thoughts here and please tell me if you think I should.. (Although its my story) I want yer opions and what you think I should Improve upon.