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Thread: Radio Free Rubi-Ka

  1. #1

    Radio Free Rubi-Ka

    Bliqz turns his back on the mission terminal, and hops into his Yalm.

    The dash radio as usual is tuned to Gridstream, and the music blares out of the speakers...Black Flag...One of Bliqz's favorites.

    ...My War! Your'e one of them! And your'e one of them!...

    The DJ cuts to a few comercials to pay the bills prior to returning to the music.

    ...Your bridges were burned, and now it's your turn...To cry, cry me a river...Cry me a river-er...Cry me a river...Cry me a river-er, yea yea...

    Bliqz narrowly avoids crashing his Yalm into the side of a building.

    ...You told me you loved me...Why did you leave me, all alone...

    "What the **** is this crap?" Bliqz thought to himself.

    Bliqz touches the second preset button in his stereo system.

    ...This is Radio Free Rubi-Ka...Next up, is the Cramps, "Bikini Girls with machine Guns"...

    Oh, Yeah. This is much better...

    ((Hey, we all know GSP is great. But not every show can please every taste. So, please take a moment, and check out the latest addition to the growing list of great AO music sites, Radio Free Rubi-Ka, found at Live365…who knows, you may even like it!
    Last edited by Bliqz; May 19th, 2003 at 19:16:45.
    Bliqz, Agent, Omni, Atlantean, "Iron Chef of Rubi-Ka"
    God is a bullet.

    ((The IC only RP forum is back. Bliqz is an Omni Extremist, and his posts IN THAT FORUM reflect that attitude. I can be reached by PM if you feel I have personaly offended you, and I will be happy to change/temper my post. Thank you, and have fun!))

  2. #2

    Radio Free Rubi-Ka

    Blizzing sits down at his personal terminal in a back room in Neuters R Us and accesses his broadcast software. His Green mohawk bristles at the thought of how illegal what he is about to do is, but it must be done for the sake of the cause.

    "In and out, quick-like, won't even have time to trace me" he thinks to himself.

    Blizzing takes a deep breath and flips a switch, instantly broadcasting a message to every comlink on the planet.

    "I apologize for the interruption. This is DJ Blizzing of Radio Free Rubi-Ka. This announcement of the upcoming kickoff party for the station. Starting at 8pm (CDT), Friday, May 23, Radio Free will host a party at Neuters R Us in Newland to commence our live stream. We will of course have music and dancing, as well as whatever contests we can scrape enough credits or items together for. Should be a good time, so come on out and tune in"

    Blizzing glances at the timer he has displayed, 24 seconds, and flips the switch cutting his illegal connection.

    "Hope I got out in time", he thinks, starting up the regular Radio Free Rubi-Ka broadcast.

    (((As Bliqz mentioned, Gridstream is awesome, and I listen to it myself all the time. This station is catered to people who want something OTHER than what GSP provides. Currently, the station is on playlists that are largely comprised of punk tunes (some obscure, some more well known). As of Friday night, though, we will have regularly scheduled live DJ broadcasts, taking requests, doing parties, etc. I am in process of building a page and forum for the station and I will update this thread as I get URL's and such. I will also be playing much lesser known tunes, so if you have a band, get in contact with me to get me some tunes to rotate. The station will stay in character as much as possible (I will not be requiring DJ's to RP though), and I will be recording little kooky ads for Rubi-Ka products. More info on that to come (not sales channel type ads, but more along the lines of Crazy Trox brand thongs). Stay tuned, and toss me some feedback. )))
    Last edited by Blizzing; May 19th, 2003 at 19:37:57.
    DJ for Radio Free Rubi-Ka

    Bezron OT MA
    Crizzack OT Crat

  3. #3
    CarLBanks sits in his office on his communicator shift

    "Illegal Communicator output spotted" said his tracer

    "Dang those criminals" he thinks to himself

    CarLBanks gets in his yalmaha and flies to the sender

    "This is the place" Carl says to himself while getting out his Record Deleter and Death gun

    CarLBanks walks in and looks around

    "Hello? This is Omni-Pol we know your in here" he says

    "Uhhh, hi Carl" Says Bliqz

    "Well your friend sent out an illegal trace on the communicators but I'll let it slide. I'll go down to Athens and kill a clan" he says

    "Thanks Carl, BTW we got a deal. You can get a free radio chip in your communicator" says Bliqz and he hands Carl back his communicator with new chip

    "Well, good luck with Radio Station" he says

    CarLBanks walks out and gets in his yalm
    Characters on Atlantean
    Main Character: Ardoyt Former Rubi-Ka Citizen and Former Omni-Admin Employee
    Characters on Rimor
    Anarchy Online Related Stuff
    Former AO Stratics News and "The Community Says" Reporter
    The Death of Ardoyt

  4. #4

    Radio Free Rubi-Ka

    Symmia walks out from the back room, yawning and stretching.

    "Hey Boss! Was that someone from Omni-Pol I just saw leaving?"

    Looks over Blizzing's shoulder at the paperwork on the desk, noticing the slight tremor of his hands.

    "Oh, I see you are working on the new broadcast schedule.

    Do you have my time slots worked out yet?"

    "Not yet" mumbles Blizzing

    wonders if Blizzing made any coffee, returns to the back room, changes clothes and returns to have a few more words with Blizzing

    "Ok Boss, I know you'll get it all worked out. I'm going shopping for some new party clothes for Friday."

    Hums a tune as she walks out the door

    Look forward to seeing ya'll at Neuter's on Friday.

    DJ Hostess on Radio Free Rubi-Ka

  5. #5
    Good luck Bezron, Bliqz and Symmie. I think you will have atleast one Disciple tuning in from time to time.

    ((If ya need a guy with an obscure taste in and collection of tunes, sign me up. And hopefully we'll get the relaybot working again... I miss ya guys :P))

  6. #6
    Kikinit belatedly realized she'd forgotten to ask Symmia what she was going to wear Friday night. She glanced over at the snoring bulk of Blizzing and sighed. Laboring away at administrative minutiae, he'd passed out at his terminal still wearing his heart thong and pink boots. She rose and threw a blanket over the disturbing sight.

    "Always more enthusiasm than sense," she thought fondly.

    Kikinit worried about potential problems - would the technical problems be resolved in time? Would they be caught and shipped off to the mines? - but decided not to stress about it. No matter what happened, it would be interesting. She turned up the volume on her terminal, closed her eyes, and lost herself in the music, smiling.

  7. #7

    ((forums up))

    ((ooc forums are up: ))
    DJ for Radio Free Rubi-Ka

    Bezron OT MA
    Crizzack OT Crat

  8. #8
    Good luck Bezron and company with your endeavor, I'll definitely have to tune in sometime. ))

    The Original GSP Groupie

  9. #9
    Blizzing wakes and stretches, having finally collapsed from exhaustion in the midst of his station launch duties.
    As he begins to pull on his Miiir suit (with the sleeves torn off to better showcase his tattoos) in preperation for the party later tonight, he runs through his mental checklist.

    Web access with link to stream--check.

    Message center with information and link to stream--check.


    Creds for contests--check.


    Satisfied that everything is in order, Blizzing checks over his playlists once more--punk, rock, metal, dance, techno, industrial--thinking that it all looks good, and perhaps someone at the party might be able to request some additions.

    All that remains now is the waiting. 8pm CDT (gmt-6) Neuters R Us in Newland, Friday night (tonight).

    ((see you there))

    DJ for Radio Free Rubi-Ka

    Bezron OT MA
    Crizzack OT Crat

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