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Thread: TBA Promises Action Against Inaction

  1. #1

    Exclamation TBA Promises Action Against Inaction

    Fellow employees of Omni-Tek, these are trying times we live in. Times that require the lawful hand of stern leadership and appropriate actions taken by our Administration. It is with much disappointment that to this date, we have not seen our leader or police force take much action against the rising clan terrorist threats. As the old saying goes: "Actions speak louder than words!" And what have we seen our beloved leader Mr. Philip Ross do? Be he a great man, he is a man of few actions. He has passified the hearts and minds of many with his suave promises and statements. Bravo, a good speaker, but we the loyal employees need much more than words. As we go on day by day and witness our family and friends suffer at the hands of these bloodthirsty clan terrorists, our leaders and police force idly sit back in the secured highrises and offices. TBA will not stand for such lack of concern or inactivity by our governing body of officials. Nor will we allow the masses to be ruled by lawless unorganized factions. Mr. Ross and Omni-Pol need be awakened to reality, and TBA promises to do just that. The voice of your loyal employees will be heard, the truth will be known, and you shall see the error of your inactivity. TBA will from this date promise to make certain Mr. Ross and his police force are brought back to their senses by taking swift and immediate action. To lead by example, to awaken, to see!

    -Sid Tisantous Saar
    Director of TBA Public Relations

  2. #2
    Loyal? you? who attack the Omni-Pol? sorry but i got to laugh.
    How would you have Omni-Pol to be able to defend both, Omni-1, Rome, the Notum mines, and our outposts if we deside to strike?

    As due to problems at Omni-Prime, then we can not get more soldiers, and we have therefor a very limited fighting force, inside Omni-Pol.

    And if i may ask, then what "clan activity" are you talking about? i have not heard about any major incounters for a long time. The only real treath we have is the Dust Brigade, but they dont attack anymore.

    If TBA, lounch attacks on Tir, or Omni-2... Athen as they call it. Then you break The Tir accord, which may then lead to open war, and as it stand now, we dont have the man power to fight a war.

    So if you attack, then you would be looked upon renegades.

    I see this as an attempht to overthrow the Omni-Tek command, which make you, as traitors, and terrorists your self. Please explain to me how you can defende All Omni-Tek interrests on this planet 24/7. And i will take back my words.

    /ooc: Cool post you wrote Tisantous

  3. #3


    While I do concur with some of the sentiments you voice, your position as a representative of Omni-Tek's loyal citizens is as best highly questionable. If TBA truly considers itself loyal, why then do you perpetrate some of the most heinous crimes commited by any citizens of Omni-Tek? Our inability to deal effectively with the rebels stems directly from the fact that we have serious internal problems, caused directly by your Alliance.

    If you want to do what is best for Omni-Tek, then stop disrupting our operations, and allow us to take the battle back to the Clans where it belongs. Until TBA changes its ways, your credibility lies in serious doubt, and your offer of "stern leadership" is laughable.

    Omni-Tek needs leadership, yes, but it also needs loyalty, discipline and obedience. TBA has demonstrated none of these qualities. If you intend to address your issues and make some long overdue changes, you will have no greater advocate than myself. Until then, please get out of the way of those who know what loyalty really is.


    Damon Krycheck

  4. #4

    TBA on strike

    ... And there was great rejoicing!

  5. #5

    TBA on strike? How can you tell?

    There is a very big danger to going on strike.

    What if you go on strike and nobody notices?

    Does TBA really think they are so indispensable to Omni Tek that their strike will have the slightest effect in the game play of the vast majority of players (other than a drop in the grief PVP petitions received by GMs)?

    The big problem with throwing down ultimatums of do this “Or else” is that you may have to deal with the consequences of the "Ok, I'll take Else."

    In this case TBA may just succeed in showing the world that they are impotent, not important.
    General Blyzzard
    Division 9
    Strat Ops

  6. #6

    TBA is dead

    TBA has gone to far. As of 10pm cst I know of 3 of the member guilds of TBA that have left and others will follow. TBA leaders are known to kill Omni Tech guards and even citizens and they call for Ross to support them? lol roflmao I think Ross should declare TBA as the outlaws they are and have open season on them, especially their arrogant POS leader Azazzel. Listen in shopping channels TBA, the others of Rubi-Ka are sick of you, do you hear the shouts of 'Trader doing wrangles up to 132 except for TBA' or 'Nano Programmer 408 for hire at BB in Ent, TBA need not even waste my time asking'. Wise up TBA members, your leader is scum who is universally hated drop the TBA flag after your guild name(like mine did) or if your leaders refuse to listen and do what you wish, leave and find a guild that is not despised.

    This 'strike' will only lead to a 'strike' agaisnt all TBA methinks.

    Peace out

  7. #7
    Okay... a strike... which is not allowed by Omni-Admin, and your already fihghting Omni-Pol, which is the real police force, not your tiny militant force.

    So i dont see this as a problem, we just need you traitors out of the Company. There are millions more waiting to join Omni-Tek.

    This could also lead to a riot, but it dont look like you care.

    Just remember: Omni-Tek CONTROL your DNA scans, and they can also remove it as well, if you turn hostile.

  8. #8

    Cool civil quarrel?

    Insolence exceeded with insolence.... for an incidence many regretted. While it proves logical TBH's alignment seems questionable, the vendettas only undermine all forces of Omni-tek. Due to presumed TBH objectives, certain respectable guilds seems to have diverted their interest from mainstream issues, wether it be destroying clan factions or expanding powers of our most important corporation. If all omni forces united, it would surely mean a more effective campaign against the common enemy. The clans steal our unique items, kill our comrades in political zones, and continuously attack omni npc psersonals. They deserve nothing. As an united power, we will undoubtedly cleanse the planet of their misconducts. Long live Omni-tek

    /ooc Great writing Tisantous

  9. #9
    Tell me now who spawned this?
    It was not TBA I can tell you that.

    The root is Omni-pol, they concocted this internal war, they started it all, if it wasnt for a simple "Barging in a trying to take over" business it would have all been okay.

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