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Thread: Bye dear friends and foes

  1. #1

    Unhappy Bye dear friends and foes

    Hey ppl after todays patch i ran directly to 2ho for some pvp....I met a lvl 130 trader there....0wned me twice despite all my specials. Got furious, came back a few hours later..met another trader, thought heck maybe i was unlucky...0wned me instantly... So im not gonna waste a single second on it anymore. My hope for it just went out the ****ing window. I have loved this game for 7 months. Even loved it just prior to todays patch. But then it struck me, ma:s aren't here in this game for their own joy/pleasure. But for all other professions, they are dependent by our single ****ing buff. That's it without it we're as good as a bucket full of ****. Even to ourselves . So enjoy your days on Rubi-Ka, i won't. I quit here and now.

  2. #2

  3. #3

    near the same here..

    I have already pretty much quit my lvl 170 MA. done. finished. will only use him to run missions for cash. If i have to do another mission in bs lag or even PM ill puke. If i have to die to a soldier 22 lvs below me...why play?

    I have no reason for lvling. cant cast UVC pre lvl 190 due to skill caps. there are no weapons i desire to use. still rookie after 4 months of tryin. i could lvl 2 more times and get all my evades maxed cept nano resist..cuz it dont work...woo hoo.

    shoot..even barbeegirl lvl 192 MA cant pvp worth a sh!t. she plays a crat now.

    decided to lvl my apprentice trader. cant seem to get novice on him as there arent any apprentices or rookies that will ever fight me so decided to lvl. if they nerf traders ill quit AO alltogether probably.

    liked playing my fixer..but they are near as gimped as MAs.

    they did NOT fix the weapon bugs (not that i care cuz all MA weapons suck a$$ from what i have seen). My lvl 76 now trader can crit up to 3k and with the same lma or uvc he crits about 2 times as much as my MA.

    from what i have read..they lowered MA dmg..raised max dmg some...seems like it everages out. How about having my attacks parried 5 times in a row on a mob..yet i have yet to parry anything. getttin owned by near every proffession out there in pvp.

    just see no reason to lvl.

    have fun.

    buff shokker if u see him pls.

    celistiness 170 MA clan rookie member of Eternal Fury
    shokker 76 apprentice trader member of Tempest
    lowtime 65 freshman fixer member of Lix of Fury


  4. #4

  5. #5

    Unhappy :(

    bye Hairdo we will miss you lots.. hope by chance you might change your mind..

  6. #6

    Re: Bye dear friends and foes

    Originally posted by Hairdo
    Hey ppl after todays patch i ran directly to 2ho for some pvp....I met a lvl 130 trader there....0wned me twice despite all my specials. Got furious, came back a few hours later..met another trader, thought heck maybe i was unlucky...0wned me instantly... So im not gonna waste a single second on it anymore. My hope for it just went out the ****ing window. I have loved this game for 7 months. Even loved it just prior to todays patch. But then it struck me, ma:s aren't here in this game for their own joy/pleasure. But for all other professions, they are dependent by our single ****ing buff. That's it without it we're as good as a bucket full of ****. Even to ourselves . So enjoy your days on Rubi-Ka, i won't. I quit here and now.
    LoL it's a sad little irony that high level mas are good for two things, crit buffs and title points. The first of which makes the second so easy.

  7. #7

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