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Thread: Docs and 50% - SHOULD not happen (but not why the other guy says it "can't")

  1. #21


    if you wanna nerf our mk , why not nerf your ability to use guns whatsoever ?

    trying to get other classes nerfed is just silly, why not try to tell fc what your class need.....more varied nukes or something like that (they might listen ya know ) , instead of whining since your just using a ql 200 fp/gamma + nukes for pvp .....

    as tind said , heals should either be 50% in pvp and flagged to avoid the the situation shtylez talks about or damage back to 100% ...sounds ok to me annyway

  2. #22

    Re: ........

    Originally posted by Caffranh
    if you wanna nerf our mk , why not nerf your ability to use guns whatsoever ?

    I don't want it nerfed....unless u want heals it is now bouth healers and other professions still have their defensive line of buffs unchanged after the 50/40 dmg patch.

    trying to get other classes nerfed is just silly, why not try to tell fc what your class need.....more varied nukes or something like that (they might listen ya know ) , instead of whining since your just using a ql 200 fp/gamma + nukes for pvp .....


    as tind said , heals should either be 50% in pvp and flagged to avoid the the situation shtylez talks about or damage back to 100% ...sounds ok to me annyway

    Then those same "rules" should include MK, and other kinds of defensive buffs.

    Dmg back to 100%? and have 90% of the fights last for 1 sec again?? Weel ur a back to scratch where soldiers killed 1 toon with Flingshot, 1 toon with burst, 1 toon with FA, switching gun....and killing a new one with as...then zone....

    Aye, lots of us love those days.......doh!

  3. #23
    everyone that wants 100% damage back still wants the 40% cap. If you die to an alpha it is 40%,40%,>20%

    so 100% damage wont change a thing for the insta deaths.

    Most people want crits reduced as well from what I read, this would make people actually do LESS damage over time with 100% damage
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  4. #24
    Wow! instakilled u.....gues that ability comes along with a nice Flashpoint.....and what does that have to do with heals???
    Haha, u was to late casting ur nullity...

    Fryli, my dear mom, why dont you read my posts, do you read only what you want? All I said is that Opiium claims adv isnt gimped, that does NOT mean they are not....

    2k dmg, well if ur gun and nukes don't do that average dmg every 4 sec ur gimped.... don't u have a Flashpoint that hit for lots of dmg as in alphastrike???

    My dear well grown up mommy Fryli... I cant alpha every 4 secs... dunno about you, but I cant... I can do alot of dmg the first 4 secs, but over time, I cant do 2000+ dmg every 4 secs averagely... I dont think any profession can do that..

    What healerprofession can outheal ur CoF(debuff), stun, nukes, alphastrike? and put the ability to root ur oponent if he/she should survive on top of that... all this behind layer and nullity...

    If we dont count any debuffs in, YOU my dear mother Fryli, can heal faster than I can nuke for damage... If we take debuffs into account, you can slow debuff me, and I can CoF you, but after we have debuffed each other, you heal even faster than I can nuke for dmg...

    Adv a gimped "doc", hehe...well they have just as god heal as us with a bit higer nanocost.

    Advs has same heals as docs? Same reqs? same speed? Do they have same ip cost on the skills required to use heals? Anyway, if it is NO difference between Adv and doc heals except the nano cost, advs is still gimped docs.... You can use the same weapon with same skill, only difference is that advs has to pay more for heals...

    MA can outheal u? haha, with a 7 sec could they?

    I never said they did... I said it was close... Without weapon, It would take time outnuking their heals... it would be a very slow progress...

    Common son, ur a whiner.... u want to nerf all professions that give u a hard time in PvP not to be equal but to be the best, that is pretty selfish.

    Dear mommy, Your the whiner here... You say if heals should get 50%, everything else should to, then it would be ok, who is asking for the nerfs here? I only want 100% dmg back, and less crits, the rest is your whines... Because you are my mommy, im really disappointed that you deny all the facts that are proven to you, all you want is to stay as the uberkingpvpdocgodmode...

    Why do i add debuffs into this if heals should be caped at 50%, well debuffs from a noob Trader, NT or MP will now make healers heal for as mutch as they did back in backyard at lvl 4...

    If those debuffs would make you heal as a lvl 4 if heals was 50%... then I under the current rules do dmg with nukes if debuffed as a lvl 4 in the backyard...

    Anyway, I think NR should be higher on all those debuffs, including docs debuffs, and psy should add to NR, it does not currently do that.

    But that u don't care about kid...

    But mom, I do care, its you who denies the reality, and just wants to stay on top of the food chain in pvp...

    Finishing off: Maybe dmg and heals should both be 75%, that would be really nice
    NT phone HOME!!

  5. #25

    Re: ........

    Originally posted by Caffranh
    if you wanna nerf our mk , why not nerf your ability to use guns whatsoever ?
    Nah, really dont want to nerf the MK, I got a soldier myself, not that high lvl (54), but I know without it I would suck bigtime...

    The problem I think is when soldiers with high MK, for example MK X, is casting it, zoning to pvp area, find a target, alpha kill target, then zone out... All this while MK is running... Im not the only who thinks this is a problem, I know Fryli (my mother) thinks this sucks too... but she cant ask for any nerfs of anykind, that would only hurt her cause....

    Originally posted by Caffranh
    trying to get other classes nerfed is just silly, why not try to tell fc what your class need.....more varied nukes or something like that (they might listen ya know ) , instead of whining since your just using a ql 200 fp/gamma + nukes for pvp .....
    Hmmm, but thats exactly what we have been doing for a VERY long time, but NO, absolutely NO response to our concerns regarding those problems, go read Noe's post last page on this matter Click here

    Originally posted by Caffranh
    as tind said , heals should either be 50% in pvp and flagged to avoid the the situation shtylez talks about or damage back to 100% ...sounds ok to me annyway
    Yeah, same rules for dmg as for heals
    NT phone HOME!!

  6. #26
    Shtylez dont say GC in a public board. Not nice.

    I play trader and yes debuffs should be at 50% atleast on target. The amount returned to caster should still be thesame. Heals should be like they are but something needs to be done about the Init debuff doc has. That is what makes them really powerful. Doc heals are powerful but it would hurt us all if they where nerfed.

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