This was originaly a series of short posts on my guilds forum, thought i'd post it here as well :-)

Chapter 1. LFT!!

"What are you thinking about?" Ayianapa looked at Compulsion "Hellooooo comp?" she said waving her hand in front of compulsions face, Compulsion blinked and looked at Ayianapa "oh sorry i was just thinking about something my tutor at engineering school once taught me about", "oh what was that?" Ayian asked, Compulsion pulled a robots processesor disk from her pocket, Ayianapa looked at it "MS DOS 6.0, Whats that?", Compulsion smiled "it's the name of an ancient computer system, i thought it would be a good name for the ai system in my bot" Ayianapa laughed at this "oh so this ancient system must have been pretty flakey then i guess?" they both giggled at this remembering some of the antics they had seen involving compulsions creations "you two can stop laughing" Compulsion picked up a handfull of washers and assorted nutts and bolts from her tool box next to her and threw them at the two creatures floating above Ayianapas head "ow mistreeeeesssss tell her to leave ussssssss aloooone" the creatures whined in unison "bah you asked for that" ayianapa said looking up at the mischievious creations "well we gonna go try it out then?" she said turning to face compulsion "yeah in a minute, I've got a nano for a new robot shell here somewhere" Compulsion said starting to rumage through numerous back packs spread around her "oh gawd we'll be here all day" Ayianapa rolled her eyes "nah it's here somewhere" Compulsion mumbled from half way inside a huge pack as various pieces of junk flew from within, Ayianapa picked up a rusty looking pistol and pulled a small device from a pocket, flicking a switch the device emited a small beam that proceeded to scan the pistol "ummmm why do keep this stuff, this pistols rated quality level 1, i've seen more usefull looking leet droppings" Ayianapa turned off the device and put it back in her pocket and then threw the pistol on to the pile of junk that had formed around Compulsions feet, Compulsion emerged from the pack clasping a nano crystal "Aha found it!" Ayianapa looked surprised at this "oh your getting better, now lets go test it", "ok go grab a mission i'll be along in a minute, need to get some supplies" Compulsion said as she started to stuff the junk around her back in to the packs.

Outside Tirs southern gate was always busy at this time of day, Ayianapa looked around at the people looking for teams or just relaxing on the grass "did you get a mission?" Ayianapa turned around to see Compulsion standing there "yup it's at the city of home" Ayian said waving a mission ticket at Compulsion "oh you could of got somewhere different for a change" Compulsion said looking at the floor "oh well, meet you there then?" she said "sure, do you want mochys first?" Ayian said pointing at the nano crystal in Compulsions hand, Compulsion smiled and noded her head, Ayianapa performed the ritual of mochams gift and within second Compulsion was performing her own conjurations to create a robot shell "ummmm comp, ummmmmm isn't that a bit small" Ayian said looking at the small humanoid bot in front of them, Compulsion had a puzzled look on her face, she looked at the empty casing of the nano crystal she had just uploaded to her NCU "oopsy wrong one" she said bittiing her bottom lip, the bot gibbered some intelligable noise before suddenly dissapearing, Ayianapas pets giggled between themselfs but soon stopped when compulsion pointed her pistols at them "right lets try again" Compulsion pronounced as she pulled another crystal from her pocket, a few seconds later the lifeless hulk of a warbot was standing before them, compulsion took out the processor disk and inserted it into the bot "Scanning Area" the bot droned in a low robotic tone "Turn it's bloody voice off!" a large attrox carrying what can only be described as the best part of a house shouted from nearby "he's alright, we are going anyway" Compulsion shouted back, the attrox walked over to the two women "need a hand, you look like you could use it" the attrox laughed, Compulsion looked at Ayianapa and shrugged her shoulders "ok if you like" she said turning to face the attrox "Whats your name?" "I'm Cuddly Belly" said the attrox with a proud voice, the two women and Ayianapas pets all burst out laughing "what?" said the attrox "errm nothing" giggled compulsion "you know anybody else that needs a team?" ayianapa said s******ing from behind her hand "i know a doc whose alright" the attrox said looking puzzled as to what the women found so funny "ok cool give them a shout" Compulsion said regaining her composure "I just did she'll meet us at the mission, where shall i tell her it is?", "Its in home" Ayianapa said walking off towards the grid terminal.

It was a sunny day in home as the team met up with SurrealHeal the doctor, they all checked in at the save terminal and made there way to what the mission readout said was the entrance, with a look of intrepidation they went inside....

Chapter 2 The Mission

The entrance hall to the old building had a musky air about it, as if no one had been there for a long time, but the team knew this was not true the scanners they had showed movement just a few rooms away and from the description of what is inside they knew this mission would be no walk in the park.... "Scanning Area"... "I tell you i'm gonna rip that things voice box out in a minute" Cuddly Belly scowled at the bot "just put your helmet on you won't hear it then" SurrealHeal said trying to calm the aggitated attrox down "Cuddly can i get an essence please?" Compulsion said looking over at the attrox "pah just because i'm an attrox and i'm carrying a girder dosn't mean i know the enforcers proffesion you know,,,gah if i had a credit for" SurrealHeal cut him off "you'd be a billionaire yeah yeah we know we know" Compulsion looked at the floor "woops" she whispered, "right is everyone ready?" Ayianapa asked "yeah" came the chorus reply "so what proffesion are you Cuddly?" Compulsion asked as she manouvered the bot to the middle of the room "I'm a docter too" the attrox said as he walked through the door leading in to the mission leaving Compulsion and Ayianapa looking at each other with rather worried expressions on their faces.

"Get off that bloody table fubar!!!" Ayianapa screemed at her pet, it didn't seem to pay much attention as it bounced its way from one end of the table to the other, Cuddly Belly sat leaning up against a wall, his girder layed down besides him and his helmet on his lap "20 minutes! 20 blasted minutes that things been flying up and down that table, just what is it that it likes so much much about it?" he looked at the pet floating up and down and shook his head "I realy don't know" Ayianapa said raising her hands in the air in disgust, Compulsion was not too bothered this break in the fighting gave her a chance to patch up the bots armour after the beating it had just taken as it got its head stuck in a doorway and couldn't target the omni tek assasin that was cutting it to pieces "I think i'll design a bot with sensors in its feet" compulsion said as she hammered a large patch of metal over a hole in the bots armour "Couldn't be any worse" SurrealHeal replied as she sat down to charge her nano reserves "My life force is leaving me mistressssssss" Ayianapas pet complained as it did one final lap of the table "About time!" the team rejoiced "right i have three targets in a room two doors away, I'll keep em busy while you take em down" cuddly said as he got up and put his helmet on.

"No No No this one!!" Cuddly shouted to Compulsion as her bot picked up an omni tek doctor by the leg and started hitting the wall with him, Compulsion sent psychic impulses to the bot which imediatly threw the doctor at the large enforcer Cuddly Belly was wrestling with sending it staggering backwards from the impact, Ayianapas heal pet circled around cuddly bellys head pouring its energy in to him as SurrealHeal did her best to patch up the wounds the enforcers weapon had made in Cuddlys arm, Cuddly rushed forward at the enforcer and swung his beam but caught the edge of the massive chunk of metal on the cielling which caused him to loose his grip and the large girder fell on his head "Bugger!!!" he screamed as fell to the floor clutching his head, the enforcer looming over him. SurrealHeal ran up to the enforcer and slammed the barrel of her shotgun in to the face of the huge fighter and pulled the trigger "Have that!" she shouted as brains decorated the dazed doctor laying on the floor, as she turned to see what Ayian and Compulsion where up to a huge fist slammed in too her head as the third occupant of the room emerged from behind a wall. "Scanning area" Compulsions robot droned as Ayianapa set fubar onto the last hostile in the room, Cuddly belly staggered to his feet and started to heal SurrealHeal who was laying unconcious on the floor, Compulsion managed to convince her bot that it didn't need to scan anymore as the enemy was in plain view and within a few seconds a bloody mess of what was a second enforcer lay at the feet of the bot with fubar floating above being healed by Ayianapas heal pet. "well that could have gone a bit better" the team agreed as they searched for the entrance to the omni tek bosses den.

Chapter 3 The BOSS!

Cuddly Belly called out to the others signalling that he had found the pulse lift which lead to the inner most part of the omni tek outpost, as the others readied themselfs for the battle to come Compulsion made some adjustments to her bot "Comp maybe this is not the best time to be tinkering with that" Ayian said as she ducked back from a shower of sparks that threw Compulsion to the far wall knocking the air from her lungs "ooof maybe your right" she panted trying to regain her breath "Scan-n-n-n-n-ning Ar-ar-ar-ar-area" the bot droned,Cuddly looked at the jibbering bot "I can't take it anymore!" he sighed dropping to his knees and curling up with his hands of his ears "ummmm thats not a good sign" Ayianapa said looking at the shaking attrox on the floor "Surreal have you got anything you can give him" Compulsion said as the doctor helped her to her feet "I've got a little something" Surrealheal winked at Compulsion pulling a large injection from her medi pack. "ARGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Cuddly yelled as SurrealHeal plunged the wicked looking needle in to his arm, the attrox shot straight up looked around manicly for a second and then froze perfectly still standing on the spot staring at the wall.
"Do you think he'll be all right" Compulsion said clicking her fingers in front of the motionless attrox's eyes "he'll be fine in a minute, it's a new combat drug i've been working on, it takes a while to kick in" Surreal explained as she tidyed her things away. "bash.....kill.....wreck" cuddly said still looking straight at the wall "oh he sounds like an enforcer" said Ayianapa "Cuddly can you understand me?" she said peering in to his eyes "Boss wreck pull bash head slam mash" the attrox mumbled as he picked up his beam and stood beside the lift "I guess he's ready" Said Compulsion.

"ayaaaarghhhh leeeett meeee goooooooo I'mmm just a clerkk!" the Omni tek employee screeched as Cuddly Belly dragged him across the room towards the Boss by his leg, with one deft swing Cuddly brought the clerk smashing in an arc over his head on to the back of the Boss which was far too busy trying to pull the arm off of compulsion's bot to notice him "oooofffff" the boss let out a gasp as he was sent crashing forward on to the bot, this sent Compulsion flying as she was balancing on top the bot trying to fix the rather serious short circuit that had shut the bots cannon arm down, she hit the floor and the last thing she saw before loosing consiousness was a very large very metalic looking foot looming down on her.

"Comps down!" Ayianapa screemed as the bot started to fade in and out of reality as its master location trackers kicked in to transport it to wherever Compulsion had regenerated, this did not help the boss's rather hopeless situation, the bot was the only thing keeping him upright as cuddly had jumped on to his back and was now pounding him on the back of his head with a briefcase he had pulled from the clerk "Smash bash hurt maim" Cuddly chanted in rythm with every blow, Ayianapa called Fubar her attack pet off of the clerk it had killed some minutes ago but insisted on making sure it was dead and set it upon the boss who was looking very bad for wear, his once proud glowing red outfit a ragged mess due to the frenzied kicking and punching of the attrox attached to his back. "What am i doing in tir?" a dazed voice said over the com channel "you got squished" Ayianapa shouted over the noise of cuddly's incessant chanting, At last the boss keeled over but this did not stop cuddly from beating upon him "Oh good timing" Surrealheal said looking at her watch "It'll wear off in 30 seconds" she said looking at Ayianapa and then turned to watch the still frenzied attrox with expectant eyes "i hope so or we'll have a hell of a job getting him off" said Ayianapa, as she spoke the attrox stopped what he was doing, stood up, looked around, looked at the two women watching him, rolled his eyes up in to his head and muttered "mash kill" as he passed out on the spot. "he'll be fine in a couple of days" Surreal said as she looked at the strange washing machine in the corner of the room.

The end