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Thread: Anyone know about this? Is it a bug?

  1. #1

    Anyone know about this? Is it a bug?

    Sorry I don't have a screenshot, but I was fighting one of the snakes (Notum Viper I think) and on one of my hits the following message appeared in green:

    The Notum Viper's casting of MissingName was interrupted

    or something to that effect. Is this a bug? Is MissingName some top secret monster nano program or is it simply a placeholder that showed up because Vipers can't actually cast nano spells? I've seen it a couple of times recently, and I don't ever recall seeing it before.

  2. #2
    Nah, I see it a lot in missions from Poachers and such, MissingDamageType: 121. They seem to be trying to heal themselves in that case. ("One More Hit Healing" or somesuch?) I'm wondering if your Notum Viper's thing wasn't "StunnedByBrawl" or some other similar "nano", that's missing.
    Testlive addict.

  3. #3

  4. #4

    Smile Way to go Kichigai!!

    Umm... I'm not the authority on anything in particular. So my opinion doesn't really count. But I don't think Notum Vipers and Speckeled Bloodcreepers have any nano skills let alone nanos. It doesn't make sense that they would. So WTF is going on here seems to be an obvious "bug" in the database. And constitues another example of FunCom's complete lack of professionalism. The sad thing is they will probably fix this before they do any of the "serious bugs" like Insta-Death or Items/Credits being deleted in client disconnects.

  5. #5
    The likely hood is that it was a stun or somesuch, many of the effects following attacks seem to be nanos, stunned by a brawl seems to be one of them, and there are bound to be others

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