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Thread: NT PvP balancing idea.

  1. #1

    NT PvP balancing idea.

    Make Nullity Sphere allow you to use Nano Treat Kits when under attack. Not Healing Treats, just Nano ones.

    It doesn't fix all of the problems..but it comes just a bit closer and I doubt it would be too hard to implement.

    Though, this would mean allowing the NT to at least sit while under the effect of the NS.. So you wouldn't be able to just use the root effect.. Yet, it should still be feasible.

    Please *test* this completely however.. There was a bug, which I think is present though I haven't tested it yet, that confused the client when you tried to sit while under the root or before/after it was about to go off.. You couldn't use treats until you sat and stood a few times.

    I posted this to the Game Mechanics forum, not the NT profession one, because I would like some opinions from non-NTs as to this ideas possible unbalancing effect.

    Furthermore, this is assuming that any such patch will come in AFTER they deal with the NS rarity problem.. So please don't just comment that it won't matter because nobody can get it yet. It is, I hope, a known issue that is actually being worked on.

  2. #2
    I've noticed something. I acidentally sat in combat the other day (hit 'x' while frantically typing), only I didn't sit! I still shot, but I couldn't walk. I coulnt' cast, nor could I use kits (of course..I was in combat at the time...). After I shot down the mob, I sat.

    I think you just can't sit in combat anymore.
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