I'm level 37, can use the QL67 Anima - but it costs 500k-1mil on the player market?!?!? It would cost 100k *IF* that in shops.

It was expensive enough making all the implants to use stuff like that. Not to mention the annoying constant self-buffing
(If I hear anyone say they have to do it I'll start throwing rocks.... Imagine buffing everytime you need to use a weapon - not AC buffs/hit buffs/helpful buffs... just your weapon... that's meta buffing)

I can't imagine how anyone could afford anything if they hadn't mission leveled like I did, personal choice, but I have more money than someone who hunts. Still saving for that almighty int/psy armor. Can I buy anything in shops?

I seem to remember funcom saying to get the best armor, nanos, implants, weapons... in order to solo... but who can afford that?

We don't all have level 100+ to twink with

Question: Am I, or am I not, supposed to be able to solo to 200?