I've just about had it with this really.

For the last week or so, the mission servers have been crashing on a regular basis.

I'll be playing in a mission somewhere and all of a sudden, Bam!, straight to desktop. I know this is not just the game client acting flaky (altho the the flaky client still blows up REGULARLY) because everytime, EVERYTIME, I immediately come back into the game trying to save my pet from timing out and *THE MISSION WILL HAVE RESET ITSELF*. By this I mean the mission that I had just seconds ago cleared is now fully repopped. Full monsters and all chests that I had previously epmtied will now be restocked with the exact same items.

This is crap. I've been able to run and get out by the skin of my teeth too many times. I've *also* been too deep into the mission to rush out and gotten waxed waaayyyy too many times.

I would also bet that all the crashes that have been happening in town are the same thing, I just don't have a way to easily say if it's the client, my computer, the internet, or the servers because I can't easily see dead mobs suddenly resurrected.

Please fix this ASAP