[ooc note] This is a spoof, and for IC purposes this is NOT related to me in any way. It was written purely for fun and sheer bordem. A sense of humor will go a long way while reading this. [/ooc note]

Posted to group: cultural.public.grid
From: *anonymous*
Subject: History of Clingish

Clingish, a de-evolution and sub-dialect of English that has been developed since the miners broke off from Omni-Tek to form the clans. A rampant lack of education and ease of understanding by the Atrox miners (which were a majority at the time) led to its widespread use within Rubi-Ka's northern terraformed regions.

The syntax of a sentence is simplistic. It consists of only a verb phrase and noun phrase that may be stated or implied. It should be noted that there were no tenses. Example, "You die!", "Me (am) clanner." , "Omni-Tek no good." , "Eat dinner already." just to name a few.

Intially when the clans first began fighting against Omni-Tek from 29206 to 29222 the simplistic language was adequate to convey orders but later led to their defeat by the company because it lacked the means to communicate location and more complex ideas.

With the construction of Tir in 29227 the clans commission a group of their best scholars(that isn't saying much). Their goal was to create a more robust language capable of passing on more complicated ideas. There was resistance from the ranks of the Atrox community but unfortunately by this time they were no longer the majority. The motion to complicate the language passed by a "democratic" vote.

Six months later, the group published their recommendations. The syntax was written on a 2 sided sheet of 8" x 11". It added to the language propositions, adjectives and the Atrox's most hated feature, verb tenses. Now finally after all these years they were capable of having a written history.

The verb tenses baffled the Atrox to no end and led to some amusing constructs. "i ownz joo!" The leet with its uncanny intelligence picked up on this catch phrase later on. And that was how Clingish as we know it today was born.

Please send them to gridwatch.pr.omni-reform.ot.rubi-ka