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Thread: >> No high level content - Cz plz read <<

  1. #1

    >> No high level content - Cz plz read <<

    So what's now for me in these forum ?

    Reaching the 1500 cap soon, and I see no high level content around the corner.

    Will I have to go on posting the same answers to the same enforcers that want to know if 2HB is reaaaaaally better than 1HB ?
    Will I have to troll periodically again the NT forum trying to push some sensible facts in their paranoid skull ?
    Will I have debate for the 678 times on how our in game GUI should be adjusted to be player-riendly ?
    Will I have to read more sarcasms from Thyrra ?

    Well now that the Patch forum is a 25% zone I think that getting more post there will get way too difficult. Having to find a good thread there was alreay sooo difficult, then having to find a group of posters with a good debate on a obscure technical point... and all this to have Cz camping us and 'blam' locking the thread into oblivion. Pfffff... I don't see the point anymore.

    Well of course there is some unexplored forums like "In-Character" but with the on-going 60 sec nerf why bother ?

    Oh, well I think I will reroll as a new poster.
    But if FC doesn't add some new sticky threads pretty soon, I will cancel the payments of my forum account. I'm serious. Believe me. I will. You've been warned. Then I'll be off the forum and play the game (sheeeeesh).
    Last edited by Unexpected; Feb 14th, 2002 at 17:22:51.
    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

  2. #2

  3. #3
    you could always re-roll as a fixer poster and join in with the singing... did you see? we got a new sticky thread!!

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